Massage Therapy Ball Set: The most effective tool for trigger points therapy, self massage, self myofascial release and deep tissue massage. Better than foam roller, tennis ball, lacrosse ball, Yoga tune up balls, MELT balls, and Yamuna balls.

Have trigger points and tense muscles in shoulders, upper back, lower back or hips been nagging you and causing you discomfort? You might have tried foam rolling and lacrosse/tennis balls only to get temporary relief. Professional trigger point therapy is great, but it is very expensive and you can not always carry your massage therapist in your pocket!

Now you can! These five balls with diameter ranging from 27mm to 63 mm offer you a unique opportunity to benefit from professional grade full body deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy wherever you are and whenever you need it! The smallest ball is smaller than therapist’s thumb and thus has more specificity in isolating tight nagging spots of tension that have been bothering your for years.

You can get immediate release before yoga or fitness class to improve range of motion and you can enjoy relaxing effect of massage right before going to bed to deepen your sleep after stressful day. While having great trigger point balls is great – it is not sufficient to address the problem you might be trying to solve – be it pain, aches, trigger points, poor sleep, stress or releasing myofascial restrictions. Therefore, we offer you unique individualized program.

SOMA SYSTEM Deep Tissue Bodywork is an innovative and unique system of self bodywork. It was created by Roman Torgovitsky, Ph.D. a Harvard-trained biomedical scientist, structural bodyworker and President and Founder of Wounded Warrior Ukraine. Roman is teaching SOMA SYSTEM internationally at variety of venues including IDEA Fit World Convention, Perform Better Functional Training Summits and World Pilates Method Alliance Conference.

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